Optima Weightech have been appointed as the new exclusive distributors for the global wighing electronics instruments brand LAUMAS.
Through constant innovation,LAUMAS have become a market leader in the following product & solutions categories:
- Digital/Electronic Weighing Indicators
- Digital/Electronic Weighing Transmitters
- Load Cells and Mounting Kits
- Weighbridge Indicators
- ATEX Weighing Indicators
- ATEX Load Cells and Mounting Kits
LAUMAS’s products are widely used in many applications, including Food, Chemical, Road Weighbridges, Rail Weighbridges, Industrial Automation, Pharmaceuticals, Packaging, Lifting, Transport etc.
LAUMAS has a presence in over 30 countries in Europe, North America and Asia.
However, it wasLAUMAS’s practice of placing the customer at the core of all of its activities that attracted OPTIMA to the brand.
“We are very proud to represent LAUMAS in Australia and New Zealand. Aside from the obvious product quality, the company has built their brand through customer loyalty. In our experience, achieving customer loyalty in these highly competitive market sectors comes from working hard to ensure that each and every customer is happy with the ownership experience.”
Please contact us for any requirements of above products and it will be our previliege to support you.
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